About me

Markus Hohmann ( MIAHIP, ICP reg., ECP)

A native of Germany where I had studied Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (Diploma), I came to Ireland in 1993.

After a family and personal crisis, I started a course in Biodynamic Massage and Psychotherapy in 1997 with Ann Ruth in Cork. Here I met Joachim Otto, who taught a module on advanced Bodywork. His approach and skill was so impressive that I joined his training in Galway and later Moycullen.

It was a deep and highly experiential training with Joachim, who often has been referred to as “the best in Body-Psychotherapy”. We all learned so much from him and I'm still left with a deep appreciation and gratitude.

After finishing in 2000 with a Diploma in Biodynamic and Transpersonal Psychotherapy, I went on to train for a further year with the late Gerda Boyeson, the founder of the Biodynamic school of Psychotherapy, an impressive and powerful lady. She had developed an integrated style of Body-Psychotherapy that combines many specific massage techniques, the working with the Peristalsis (a Biofeedback tool uniquely used in the Biodynamic work), adapted Vegeto-Therapy (a type of mattress work originating from Reich), Bioenergetic techniques (Lowen) with Psycho-dynamic and -analytic traditions.

Later, I studied Authentic and Auto-biographical Movement with Sandra Reeves for a number of years. However, because I wanted to focus on my Psychotherapy work, I didn't practice it as a separate discipline but integrated the skills into my own work.

Since my original training I have been very interested in working with art, images and imagery work and dreams as therapeutic tools to explore the unconscious dynamics within a person's process.

For many people these are very effective tools to facilitate the process of integration and healing.

Working with the Transpersonal came quite naturally to me. I have explored different religious and spiritual traditions / orientations and developed my own meditation and mindfulness practice which also informs my work. I've further explored consciousness studies, altered states and shamanic traditions, Earth-Wisdom-Teachings, music, drumming, and more. All of which have been shown in research to be effective tools for some people, some of the time.

This exploration led me to found the Irish Association of Transpersonal Psychology (IATP). A dynamic group developed in cooperation with Martin Duffy and Paola Ambrosi from Dunderry Park, Patrick O'Connor and many others which was in existence for a number of years.

I have worked with Men's support and development groups for over 20 years: supporting, sharing and contributing to an ongoing group process.

In Bantry, I initiated and co-founded the Bantry Centre for Counselling and Therapy, a group of experienced Therapists, engaging in peer supervision and studies as well as providing therapeutic services for the local community.

In 2008, I set up Masterclass ®- Professional Development in Humanistic, Somatic and Transpersonal Psychotherapy. This was a training program with Rainer Pervoeltz and consisted of three modules and three seminars per module and finished in 2010.

After the birth of my twin girls and one more two years later I focused more on my young family. One of them was born with special needs and specialized medical needs and is doing quite well now but requires extra care .

Over the last years I continued with my professional development training in:

  • Diploma in Supervision, Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre  (DCTC)
  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
  • Therapeutic Intervention with Adolescence (a Gestalt based approach from Bronagh Starrs, MIAHIP
  • Sexual Trauma in Adolescence and emerging Adulthood, with Bronagh Starrs
  • Introduction to Psychosexual Therapy with Gender and Sexual Diversities, with Dominic Davies
  • Child Protection and the Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Working with Adult survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, with M. Lewis and N. Murphy from One in Four
  • It Takes Two to Talk - The Hanen Program, with E. Barry and E. O'Donovan
  • Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace, with Michelle Wilde from EAP/Carecall
  • Narcissistic Families and Co-dependency Addiction, with Margeret Parkes
  • Recently updated: An Introduction to Children First, training by the HSE

When the opportunity arose, I worked for EAPC and later Carecall as an Affiliate Counsellor providing Employment Assistance for a period of 3 years.

Over the last while I developed a specific interest in Neurobiology, Neuroscience and specialized Trauma work, particularly the work of Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., Pat Ogden, Francine Shapiro and others.

I have a certificate in "Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST)" from Janina Fisher, Ph.D. A colleague of Bessel v.d. Kolk, M.D.,

Lisa Ferentz: "Trauma, Attachment, Affect Disregulation and Shame"

Derek Farrel, Ph.D. and Gus Murray:  "Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)" Level 1, 2 & 3

Dan Siegel's: "Developmental Trauma: An Interpersonal, Neurobiological Approach To Transforming Developmental Trauma Into Integration and Resiliency",

Bessel van der Kolk: Trauma, the Brain & Biology: Foundations & Treatment of Trauma,

Stephen Terrell: "Trauma, Regulation & Building Resilience"

Onno van der Hart: "The Haunted Self: Understanding and Treating Trauma-Generated Dissociation"

Elan Shapiro: "R-TEP and G-TEP [for] Early EMDR Intervention"

Steven Porges and Sue Carter: "Polyvagal theory, oxytocin, and the neurobiology of love"

Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.: "Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model".

T. Bell, Ph.D. and A. Dixon, Ph.D.: "Online: Compassion Focused Therapy - Chairwork".

Over the last 24 years I have also learned so much from my clients: from their pain, their struggle to overcome the traumatic experiences in their lives, the blockages and their successes. As much as I guided and supported them on their therapeutic journey to well-being, they have helped me to develop further my understanding and skill and will continue to do that.

As a fully accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) and a Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP) registrant, I follow a strict Code of Ethics that guides my work. I engage in regular Supervision and Continued Professional Development. I am a holder of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) and am a member of the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP).